Screen Smart: Ensuring Safe and Positive Screen Usage at Podar Prep

In today’s digital age, our role in guiding children through the digital world has never been more important. At Podar Prep, the best preschool in Mumbai, we understand the significance of responsible screen usage and its impact on young minds. Let’s dive into some key factors that highlight the importance of responsible screen time for our children.

Factor 1: Starting Early with Caution

When it comes to early childhood education, especially for infants aged 0-2 years, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises caution regarding technology exposure. This age is a crucial period of rapid brain development, making it highly vulnerable. Excessive screen exposure during these formative years can have lasting consequences. As parents, it’s important to resist the temptation to hand screens to our little ones during this critical stage.

Factor 2: Monitoring and Limiting

For children aged 3-5 years, setting strict screen time limits is essential. Limiting screen time to just one hour a day helps ensure a balanced daily routine that includes physical activity, face-to-face interactions, and exploration.

Factor 3: Content Matters

The content our children engage with is equally important. Opt for non-violent and pro-social content as the norm. Violent or abusive content can influence behaviour, as children often learn through imitation. Engaging with your child during screen time provides an opportunity for meaningful discussions and reinforces social skills.

Factor 4: Prioritize Sleep

Excessive screen time before bedtime can disrupt sleep patterns due to the blue light emitted by screens. Quality sleep is vital for a child’s growth and development. To promote better sleep quality, establish a screen-free period of at least three hours before bedtime.

Factor 5: Mindful Meal Times

Mealtime is more than just nourishment; it’s a sensory experience. Screen time during meals can hinder the sensory process, affecting digestion and potentially leading to obesity issues. Encourage children to focus on the colours, tastes, and textures of their food.

Factor 6: Balanced Activity

After screen time, it’s essential to engage your child in physical activities like jumping or skipping. This helps transition their brain from high-focus screen mode to a more relaxed state, reducing tantrums and restlessness. Physical activity is crucial for both physical and cognitive development, so make sure your child gets at least three hours of it daily.

Factor 7: Be a Role Model

Children are keen observers and tend to emulate their parents’ behaviours. If you want to encourage responsible screen usage, set an example by moderating your own screen time.

Factor 8: No Screen Pacifiers

Using screens as pacifiers during tantrums or as babysitters can hinder emotional bonding and the development of emotional intelligence in children.

Remember, screen time is a powerful tool that can shape our children’s futures. Just as we wouldn’t expose them to harmful substances, we should be equally cautious about their screen exposure. By making informed choices and following these guidelines, we can ensure that our children become responsible digital citizens.

At Preschools in India, we’re dedicated to providing holistic learning experiences and a child-centric education that takes into account the best practices in early childhood education, including the Montessori approach. We believe that understanding toddler behaviour and offering positive parenting advice for children is essential for their overall development. Join us on this journey with Parenting Prep with Dr Swati

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